Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Quotable PR Quote - Yvonne Grinam Nicholson

Yvonne Grinam Nicholson on Social Media
"Companies should be careful before they jump into the social media sea because just like any wide body of water, you need to know its depths and the sharks that might lurk beneath. Don't jump in a set up a FaceBook page or start Twittering as if your life depended on it before you do your research... The news after you do your research might be hard to take and you might need a good strong drink to make it go down easy and some even stiffer tonic to share it with management. But now is not the time to be a wimp - man up and do the research. Social media is not going to go away - it might never replace the traditional means we use but it can be used to bolster their usefulness."

Yvonne Grinam-Nicholson, (MBA, ABC)
President IABC, Caribbean - Jamaica Chapter
She can be contacted at:
Visit her website at and post your comments.

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